Learning a second language benefits people of all ages. However, learning it at an early stage of our lives seems more suitable, according to many researchers. Kids are natural learners, trying to learn from the surrounding to figure out the dynamic world around them. The young minds can absorb the concept of a new language like a sponge. So, it is better if you start to teach kids English (ภาษา อังกฤษ สอน เด็ก, which is the term in Thai) in the early stage of their lives. They can understand the language fully and speak the language fluently in the later years of their life.
Benefits Of Learning English As A Second Language
Here are the reasons why you need to teach kids English as a Second language at an Early Stage:
Good Start
Before the age of five, kids use the same part of the brain to learn the second language they use to learn the native language. That helps to kid to hold the command of the English language like their mother tongue.
Mental Development
Learning a new language is like a brain exercise that improves the cognitive function of the learners. The longer the time kid spends learning the new language, the more cognitive development of your kids.
- Cultivate Skills
- Learning A Second Language Helps Kid Improve Their Following Skills:
- Problem Solving
- Critical Thinking
- Listening Skill
Besides improving the skills mentioned earlier, if you want your kids to learn English at an early stage, their ability to concentrate, memorize and multitask increases significantly. If you want your child’s mind to be flexible, you need to teach kids English early on.
Academic Achievement
One of the reasons you need to teach kids English is that English is the most common language. Most of the educational books are in English. Also, English dominates the internet world. If your child knows how to read, write, and speak in English, it becomes easy for them to gather information in the 21st century.
Leaning Experience
Exposing children to a learning environment cultivates a curiosity to learn about different cultures. Learning English as a second language gives your child a positive attitude to connect with the world.