For any skilled labour, training and certification is a must these days and also an additional feather in the cap. Chances of a certified individual successfully passing through the initial screening as part of the interview process and subsequently getting recruited, are definitely few notches higher.
If you are looking for a career in the construction industry, it is important that you get trained and certified before entering into a job assignment. Reason being the level of importance associated with safety and health aspects in the industry. Construction induction training and white cards are a mandatory requirement for acquiring a job in the field of construction.
Many training institutes do offer construction courses in Melbourne that provide the certification. Anyone who is working on a construction site in Australia needs to attend the training and get certified by acquiring a White card. The training has to be undertaken at a registered training organisation that can certify by issuing a white card after successful completion of the training.
The whitecard is the name given to the card issued once you complete the construction induction training. It authorises an individual to work in the construction industry. One can obtain the card by submitting the necessary documents after successful completion of the course.
Primary purpose of whitecard is from a safety perspective and anyone wishing to access a construction site for work, needs to obtain the same. Those who intend to carry out a construction business are required to ensure that workers carrying out the construction work have a valid white card. The white card confirms that the person to whom it has been issued, has undertaken the training to understand more about occupational safety and health hazards.
Supervisors, managers, labourers, surveyors or any workers who need to access a construction site for work such as repair, maintenance, renovation need to possess a white card. In short, the white card is a mandatory certification required for anyone to operate in the construction industry.