Birthdays are a great day for everyone. Greeting card history is often traced back to ancient Chinese. The Chinese started to send positive messages traditionally within the New Year. The first Egyptians made papyrus scrolls that were used to greet family and loved ones. Within the early 1400s, handmade greeting cards were introduced in Europe. At that point, the Germans were printing New Year’s Day greetings on woodcuts.
The original inventor of the Birthday card had no idea how popular and long-lasting the greeting card trend was going to be all those years ago. While we all want to choose the right birthday card for a special someone, it is often difficult to accomplish in the face of endless variety.
The Modern Birthday Card
There are so many card variations to select these days including traditional cards, modern, funny cards, floral cards and more. China has become one of the main manufacturers of greeting cards. Though, new greeting card companies are popping up all over the world and are being created within their country of distribution. Greeting cards bring such joy to people’s lives. They are often an excellent way to express your wishes to a loved one.
birthday cards have taken on so many new forms than the traditional paper card. All over the internet, e-cards are highly accessible and Facebook cards are also a very popular option. Instead of going to a shop and buying a card you can now order a card on the internet to really match the receiver’s personality. Printable birthday cards are also a great option to get a specific card that REALLY relates to someone. The chances are you’ll easily find something amusing, sweet or sentimental. In fact, printable cards still give that sense of warmness of a traditional card but don’t require the giver to spend any money or need to travel to a local store. Instead, cards can be chosen quickly. In a couple of clicks, you can have the card in your hand and then the only thing left to do is inscribe a beautiful message for your loved one.
The Future of Birthday Cards
I wonder what birthday cards of the future will be like? Can you even imagine??? Perhaps there will be some kind of popular virtual reality birthday card where we can actually greet our friends in a simulation. Or perhaps the card will involve a famous celebrity who wishes well on the occasion. I’m sure there will be a variety of cool birthday games and experiences that will all be part of the upcoming virtual world! The sky is the limit!
Birthday cards have taken on a variety of different forms over the years and it is exciting to see what the future holds. Whether you go for a traditional approach or a more modern way to express your appreciation, don’t forget the sentiment is what is important. The reason we give birthday cards is to cherish and celebrate our loved ones. For the last 600+ years, the gifting on birthday cards has truly become an iconic gesture to celebrate someone’s birthday! Here’s to having a many great birthday celebrations ahead and we hope this has shed some light on the history of birthday cards as well as given you some knowledge about birthday cards of today and the possibilities of the future!